
I specialize in maintaining business continuity, fostering team efficiency, and maximizing success through tailored services.

Professional Contractor

When your company faces a staffing gap or requires extra hands on deck, I am here to seamlessly step in as the face of your business. As a seasoned professional contractor, I bring a wealth of experience to ensure continuity and excellence in your operations. Whether you need a temporary fill-in or ongoing support, my commitment is to deliver top-notch service, maintaining the integrity and reputation of your brand.

Workplace Advisor

In the dynamic landscape of the business world, confidence is key. As your dedicated business mentor & advisor, I specialize in fostering confidence within your team members in social environments. From enhancing communication skills to building strong interpersonal relationships, my mentorship goes beyond the traditional boundaries. Together, we'll create a workplace culture where every member feels empowered and ready to contribute their best.

What would hiring a professional contractor do for you? Well…

Hiring me as a professional contractor is a strategic move that can significantly benefit small to midsize business owners or managers in various scenarios. When you find yourself going out of town, my services ensure a seamless continuation of your operations, providing a trustworthy and capable representative to maintain business momentum in your absence. Additionally, for crucial roles that haven't been permanently filled, I offer a reliable interim solution, allowing you the time and flexibility to find the perfect permanent candidate without compromising productivity. During busy seasons or sudden spikes in workload, my expertise as a professional contractor becomes invaluable, offering the extra hands on deck needed to navigate challenging periods, ensuring that your business not only survives but thrives under pressure. With a commitment to excellence and adaptability, I am here to alleviate the burden of staffing gaps and contribute to the sustained success of your business.

I’m successful when you’re successful.

What would hiring a workplace advisor do for you? Well…

Hiring me as a business mentor offers multifaceted benefits for small to midsized business owners and managers facing diverse challenges. When bringing on a new employee unfamiliar with workplace etiquette, my mentorship ensures a smooth integration, fostering a positive work environment and minimizing misunderstandings. For businesses grappling with communication breakdowns and information loss in conversations, I provide strategies to enhance clarity, streamline communication channels, and fortify team cohesion. In the quest to keep teams both efficient and socially engaged, my mentorship approach focuses on cultivating a harmonious workplace culture where productivity thrives alongside positive interpersonal relationships. Moreover, building confidence in the workplace is a cornerstone of my mentorship, boosting the morale of both employers and employees, ultimately contributing to a more motivated and effective team. Lastly, my expertise extends to optimizing community networking efforts, providing valuable insights on forging meaningful connections that can propel business success. Whether it's navigating internal dynamics or leveraging external networks, my business mentorship is tailored to empower your team and elevate your overall business performance.


Check out my FAQs.

What’s your pricing?

I operate at a budget-matching and worth-rate. This means that my services to you are fully customizable to meet the needs of your business where it’s at. If you sit through a session with me and find it to be worth $10, pay $10. If it’s worth $500, pay $500.

How are you paid?

Right now, you can pay me through Venmo, cash, or check made out to Joeci Gilchrest. I’m a one-woman show and this is what works for me right now.

Do you partner with other organizations?

I spend a great deal of time seeking out information for my clients. In this way, I collaborate with other organizations. My goal is to seek and implement the best resources for your specific needs, so I collaborate with a wide variety of organizations.

Why do you do this?

I see a LOT of struggling businesses that either don’t know what to do next, don’t feel fulfilled by the direction their company is going, struggling to stay in business, unable to find resources to help them, etc. I want to fix that.

Do you get paid from the organizations I collaborate with?

Nope! My only funding comes from what you pay me. This helps me stay unbiased for financial gain when collaborating with other organizations.

I don’t have a business, where do I start?

Right here. I’m here to talk you through it and help you along your journey. I’m here to make sure you do it right the first time. I’ve made the mistakes for you! You can learn from me and others.

More services…

Helping you get started…

I help aspiring business owners find their name, mission, vision, and how to be fulfilled in their new role as a business owner or entrepreneur.

Networking advising…

I connect you with in-person and virtual networking opportunities from FREE membership rates to $2,000+ membership rates. Whatever your budget, I can get you connected in your community.

Brainstorming sessions…

So you have a general idea, but need to talk through it and get some feedback. I’m there for you. I’ve helped dozens and dozens of individuals get unstuck and back in the business game by engaging the creativity that is already within.

Even more

Redesigning your workspace…

Sometimes you’re stuck not because of your lack of creativity, but because of the physical content taking up the wrong space around you. I’m here to get your workspace back in shape to boost creativity and morale.

Effective communication coaching…

Always feel like there’s more to say? Or that you can’t seem to express yourself appropriately in the professional crowd? I’m here to help you build confidence and find that self-expression that both honors you as an individual and your profession.

Connections to resources…

I have a WIDE network of individuals, organizations, businesses, and resources and they are all there for YOU! If you feel like you are alone in this fight with no one on your side, there are hundreds on your side. You just need to know where to look. I can help you.

Book a Consultation

Claim your complimentary 30-minute virtual consultation. It's a risk-free opportunity for us to assess compatibility and discuss how I can assist in meeting your individual company demands.